Silga’s Technical-decorative Galvanic division performs, through processes of electroplating of metals, treatment of silver plating, brass plating, copper plating, nickel plating, chromium plating, tin plating, gun metal, treatment of gold plating and other precious metals, special finishes and finishing without nickel (nickel free).
The division has 100 workers using manual, semi automatic and automatic multi-program plants putted forward by innovative software systems, plants for static and barrel processing. The inbound material is encoded for part number, quantity and processing code, ensuring traceability throughout the industrial flow, from arrival to final delivery to the customer.
Strengths of the departments of this division are the high quality of products, the wide range of finishes realized, over 350 among technical and decorative, the ability to treat various types of metal substrates, the technical competence and experience of staff, the repeatability of treatment, the wide range of frames and the high production capacity.
Plants and materials
The Technical-decorative Galvanic division has several manual, semiautomatic and automatic plants with multi-program systems; the material advancement runs in self-management through innovative software that allows to monitor and maintain constantly temperatures, times and current of processes, in addition to the progress of orders production.
Static plants (on rack): 4 multi-program automatic lines managed by an innovative software.
Barrel plants: 15 lines between multi-program automatic plants managed by innovative software, automatic and manual ones.
The daily productivity is 40,000 sdm/day for static plants and 800 quintal/day for barrel plants.
The traditional electroplating processes can be applied on the following metal substrates
Steel and its alloys: hard and soft steels, stainless steels, alloy steels, cast irons, steels and heat-treated surface, etc.;
Copper and its alloys: brass, copper and bronze;