SILGA S.p.A will be present as exhibitor also this year at Fornitore Offresi, the tradeshow for the
SILGA will be as exhibitor at FASTENER FAIR ITALY. We are looking for to welcom you at
SILGA S.p.A. at MECSPE 2018
We will participate also this year as an exhibitor at MECSPE 2018, from 22nd to 24th March
Fornitore Offresi – Lariofiere Erba (CO) 15 – 17th February 2018
SILGA S.p.A will be present as exhibitor also this year at Fornitore Offresi, the tradeshow for the
SILGA S.p.A. at HANNOVER MESSE 2017 – from 24th to 28th April
SILGA will be as an exhibitor at Hannover Messe 2017 from 24th to 28th April, together with
SILGA S.p.A. at MECSPE 2017
We will participate also this year as an exhibitor at MECSPE 2017, from 23 to 25th March,
Fornitore Offresi – Lariofiere Erba (CO) 2 – 4th February 2017
SILGA S.p.A will be present as exhibitor this year for the first time at Fornitore Offresi, the
Silga S.p.A. at O&S 2016, Stuttgart 31st May – 2nd June
SILGA S.p.A. will be at O&S trade-show in Stuttgart as exhibitor. The biennial trade fair is the
SILGA S.p.A. at MECSPE 2016
We will participate also this year as an exhibitor at MECSPE 2016, from 17 to 19 March,
Hannover Messe 2015 – Hannover, April 13th – 17th
SILGA will be as an exhibitor at Hannover Messe 2015 from 13th to 17th April 2015, together