Technology studies center

Silga, through its Technology Studies Centre (CST) provides the its customer an extensive experience in the field of surface protection processes and the knowledge of several markets. The service consists of a group of Technicians and R&D. In an integrated manner the two departments work together to increase the competitiveness of the customer in terms of innovation and excellence of their product. The fundamentals of the Technological Studies Center are the company’s Know-How, the Physical and Chemical Laboratories, the Prototyping Lines and the External Collaborations.

Our Know-how

Silga Industries is a global group that offer added value services through:

  • Knowledge of industrial products and processes;
  • Knowledge of its clients and international standards;
  • Development of tailor-made solutions on product performance, defined by the best combination among geometry, materials, field of application and surface treatments;
  • Fast and efficient approach to problem solving and finding innovative solutions;
  • Specific equipment for testing;
  • Teamwork, qualified personnel and transversal skills in the Group


Silga grows with its customers We consider of essential importance to be their point of reference in order to provide them the appropriate technical input, analyze their suggestions and needs and transforming them into ideas and customized solutions which really increase their competitiveness.


The Research & Development department, independently and in a integrated way with the Technological Study Center, is constantly dedicated to the study of technological innovation to be used to improve products, to find alternatives and to create new ones. SILGA s.p.A for its historical vocation and for its corporate policy strongly believes in the partnership

Laboratories and controls

Silga Industries uses in-house laboratories and cutting edge instrumentation to ensure continuous development of innovative and alternative products, production process monitoring and product compliance: Laboratories (3 units) Atomic absorption (1 unit) Galvanic control unit - Hull cell (5 units) Spectrophotometer (1 unit) Analytical Accessories X-Ray (3 units) Fischerscope (1 units) Colour meter (1 unit) Camera


Why does Silga stand out from the others? Because it is the only company specialized in surface processes actually based on continuous INNOVATION; the if, but and though are not obstacles, but they are simply OPPORTUNITIES. THE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIQUENESS We are the only company with a wide range of functional and decorative products (over 300